Hey there!

I’ve created Haunted Sketches to chronicle the progress of my (still unnamed) graphic novel trilogy. The first book you’ll see from me is Vestigia, a short story that I’ll be releasing first – unrelated to the trilogy. Once I get the promotion for that underway, I’ll be able to get back to the trilogy.

I plan on regularly posting artwork and updates on the writing process. To start, it will mostly be rough sketches and my attempts at learning how to paint in Photoshop. I’ve been drawing with pencil and paper since I was a little tike, so my first few pieces aren’t too shabby. I haven’t really figured out how I’ll be talking about what I’m writing – since I don’t want to give away any actual plot points. Maybe I’ll do character bios or something as I flesh them out.

I guess maybe I should talk about the trilogy a bit… Well, to sum it up: it’s two parts Cyberpunk mixed with one part Dungeons & Dragons. Yeah, I couldn’t decide on one genre.

I’ll also be posting miscellaneous stuff that inspires me (music, art, movies, video games, etc.) because I really feel that this universe I’m creating is just an amalgam of things that I like. And that’s why this will be a fun process. I’m not doing it for anyone else …unless they happen to share my interests ;)